Monday 9 May 2016

He said, She said,

During the George Wood project when we were going through archives and this really cough my eye and stuck with me. 

It’s no secret that I’m a sucker when it comes to quotations, but this one really stuck with me as inspiring for a vast amount of reasons.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

The George Wood Project

Motion-Go (a small group of people led to battle by Sara Nesteruk) decided to pull our own little exhibition after collide. Keeping it short and sweet. It was brilliant.

What we did, was overlook a bunch of old statistics collected by an archivist by the name of George Wood. With these statistics we created a few short motion graphic videos and put them up in an closed store (which we rented legally) and displayed them on the walls (kind of like a fish tank.).

The general idea of the project and how we worked on it was just a lot of fun and not to risk blabbering on for a few pages (I was trying to keep the summary brief, but it ended up being rather nonsensical if anything I suppose). My involvement with the project was to create a vector video showing the decrease in the Female death rate from Phthisis.

Bellow is the result.

Friday 29 April 2016

Process and Production Showreel.

When we were told we were going to do a motion graphic type of animation related to fairytales I was ecstatic, even though I wasn’t entirely sure about which one to do.
In the end I ended choosing a fairytale I grew up with myself, Egle the Queen of Serpents.
Doing this was a lot of fun and I’m very satisfied with the turn out. The tricky bit was fitting in as much of plot points as I could. I feel like I slightly over did myself, but still quite pleased with the end result.

While approaching the showreel I wanted to have as much fun as I could.
So I focused on transitions mostly, and how fun I could make them, personally, I really
like the intro and it was a lot of fun to do.
I tried keeping the transitions as interesting as I could but at the same time keeping them seemingly
depoendand on one another.
Either way, this was a really fun thing to do, and was a great opportunity to revisit all the work we did this year, 

P&P Reel from Rustis Balciunas on Vimeo.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Mean, Green, Smashing Machine.

In today’s C4D lecture with Jay we took a look at character rigging. We used a file Jay provided for us, which, you guessed it, was the hulk. (Also we worked on one of his own models, which we used for practice when it came to rigging a model to a skeleton making her move. So many glorious incidents followed with that one). The task of the day was to make the hulk run. Below are a couple of screenshots of the process (I am terrible when it comes to documenting my progress in classes.) And the final result of the Hulk running forward toward an unknown goal. 

I’m planning to make a gif out of this when I finally get around to it, 

hulk run from Rustis Balciunas on Vimeo.

Monday 25 April 2016

My Physical Piece

 The first motion test I ran dealing with how colorful the background would me and how the first figure would be placed. Below are some of the results, I’ve got, I ended up using the last one, but I cannot even describe how much it took me to actually do a running motion I was satisfied with.
The plus thing being I feel a lot more comfortable doing walk cycles and runs from this point.

Nick suggested I would make a flipbook as my Physical piece and I instantly loved the idea.
One thing to say is that it definitely was a lot easier to make then the digital one, but still a lot of effort was involved.
I linked the physical piece with the digital one, by setting both of them in the same context, except the flipbook is the test run I showed some of my tutors, which escalated in a spin off which I titled “Nobody wants to be the Opening kill.”

The flipbook is more like a behind the scenes kind of material. In a sense, it’s like a “Prequel”.

And the flip book in all its glory. 

(Ty Gerda for substituting a tripod)

The Flipbook from Rustis Balciunas on Vimeo.

Friday 22 April 2016

“Nobody wants to be the opening kill”

Putting an ending where there should have been a beginning.

NOWTBTOK. Mute version. from Rustis Balciunas on Vimeo.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Background inspirtion

Some pictures me and my friend took in Amsterdam in our “Easter” vacation. I really loved the architecture and the general feeling of the city, so I’m thinking to do some experimentation with backgrounds roughly based on Amsterdam’s architecture and canals.

Time will tell if I actually get around to do it.